6'23" video instllation

” 大切にしているもの、もしくはそのかけら” を探してもらい、口移しで咀嚼しあうことをしてもらう。
In this video, Tried to open up a personal experience of eating and digesting. The moving objects in the video are ‘the piece of important things' of the two people.
When I went to Yuriage Beach with my partner, an area that was severely affected by tsunami, I found a beautiful small piece of debris. I see the surface of the piece, it looks like a part of tile. Entrance, bathroom and kitchen. It is glazed, so it was probably used as a wet area. The edges of the piece still remain sharp. I imagine the memory of this piece. The earth is piled up, the breakwater is built, and the time around is moving, but This piece is slow as if it were stopped. It is a close and far piece of reality, and out of nowhere, I found feeling that piece stuck in the back of my throat.
Artists in FAS 2020
2020/1/30~2021/3/21 *緊急事態宣言の影響で3/9~3/21に開催変更